how are things i should do and easy legal planning connected?
It's pretty simple. My husband and I own Easy Legal Planning. I'm using the technology we've created to make affordable estate planning a reality and sharing it with the social media world. I'm making it a little more fun with worksheets, planning tips and other fun DIYs (and making it look a little prettier too and a little less formal).
what is estate planning?
Estate Planning is simply a name for the process of transferring property and assets from one generation to the next. Your "Estate" is the total property and assets owned by you prior to distribution through a Will or Living Trust.
Many people assume that "Estate Planning" is only for the rich, but this is a big misconception. Estate planning is for everyone; there are no minimum asset requirements. Many people do not think that they have enough assets to justify estate planning, but if you have any property or assets, there are estate planning concerns. Additionally, if you have any children under the age of eighteen (18), you definitely have estate planning concerns. Who will raise your children? Who will manage any cash or assets your children might inherit?
When should i do my estate planning?
The best time to start estate planning is NOW...before it is too late! With estate planning there is no second chance. No one likes to think about their own mortality or the possibility of becoming incapacitated. That is exactly why so many families are caught off guard and unprepared when incapacity or death strikes. If there are assets, including bank accounts, brokerage accounts, life insurance, retirement accounts, children, or equity in your home, now is the time to start planning.
Do I need an Estate Plan?
Do you have any assets? Do you own or mortgage a home? Do you have children? Do you have bank accounts, IRAs, 401K etc.? Do you have life insurance? Do you want to keep details of your estate private? Do you want to make things easier on your family?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then you need an estate plan!
what is easy legal planning?
Easy Legal Planning is our company we created as an affordable source for quality estate planning documents. We are dedicated to providing advanced and affordable estate planning documents that are state specific and up-to-date.
Through the years as we have educated our clients in estate planning options it became apparent that Living Trusts were the estate plan of choice for nearly all our clients. That is why at Easy Legal Planning we specialize only in Living Trusts.
We have a unique approach to providing quality legal documents. While many people are in need of estate planning documents, they do not want to go to the time and expense of meeting with an attorney for several hundred dollars per hour. By having top estate planning attorneys create our documents without giving legal advice specific to an individual or couples situation, we can dramatically lower our prices and pass the savings on to you.
Basically, at Easy Legal Planning you are getting attorney's documents without attorney's prices!
don't I need an attorney to create these documents?
No. It is not a legal requirement that an attorney personally prepare these for you. But don't worry...we've hired the best attorneys to create our documents. We update them every quarter if your state has any changes so they are always the most current and accurate documents you need. Basically, at Easy Legal Planning you are getting attorney's documents without attorney's prices.